Business Partnership Seeds Digital Marketing Synergy in Peoria, IL
For over a decade, OIC Group has been a top website design company in Peoria for many different industries. Of late, the company has decided to restructure their business model to be more focal to digital marketing. As a result, this lead to interesting partnership between OIC Group and Facet Technologies, Inc. (Facet Tech), a fellow Prairie Tech Alliance member.
In a nutshell, OIC Group will now focus more on Internet marketing and SEO services. In addition, they have partnered with Facet Tech. Facet Tech has been the leading technology companies one central Illinois specifically for Facet Web Tech, which is Facet Tech’s branch for website design in the city of Peoria.
Peoria’s Trusted Alliance Web Design & Digital Solutions
The two companies have a long history in terms of their working relationships from the different projects they have done over these years. To continue with their relationship, Facet Tech and OIC Group will become one when providing the clients who will need their internet marketing services through the new association of Prairie Tech Alliance.
In the past, all members of Facet Tech, Prairie Tech and OIC have been working together while providing web design services for the clients based in Peoria. This move is to give them a sizable market share that would help them become a leading company thus making other smaller companies out of the market.
By creating more synergy in web world of in Peoria by sharing their expertise in website design as well as other Internet marketing channels, such as SEO, PPC advertising, content marketing and social media marketing. This will make them as a company rise to be among the top rated companies in the Peoria offering website design and marketing services.
Facet Web Tech’s Suite of Services
Facet Web Tech will become the newest Facet branch and Peoria’s based web design company for the businesses throughout central Illinois. In addition, Facet Web Tech will provide other more services such as custom web development, specialized digital solutions, and software development services.
The company also has expertise to offer enterprise IT solutions, removing malware, computer viruses, new web presence optimization services and recovering hacked websites. It will be one stop shop for clients who will be seeking modern internet security and marketing services.
Through the services of Facet Web Tech, this company will expand their service offerings to services such as website re-design and development services and custom software development services like upgrading outdated proprietary programs and establishment of new web-based solutions for new companies. While offering web design services, the company will train their employees of the new services to ensure that they offer clients the best services in Peoria.
A New Horizon for Web Solutions in Peoria, IL
OIC Group will have a new role in partnership of acquiring new leads of web design in Peoria for the customers who want these marketing services for their business. The company is in the later stages of unveiling modern Internet marketing and SEO services programs that would promote the services of Facet Web Tech’s web design as well as software development solutions in Peoria. Upon acquiring these new web design leads, all companies in Peoria will find it hard competing.
The future of Facet Web Tech is amazing as they expect to grow their clients in the web design community from their new services.
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